Makassar International Commodity Centre
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MICC memberikan fasilitas RESI GUDANG, LC & SKBDN untuk produk pertanian seperti beras, coklat dan jagung. Keterangan lihat di website kami: atau hubungi: Doddy Hidayat No HP: +62816 46857 460, Email: [email protected]
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Cp: Doddy Hidayat (Marketing Director)
HP: +62816 56857 460
Built soon!
A Central Office, Storage & Trade Commodities Agro modern and built on site representative who was in the strategic center of Toll Cross Line of Ir. Sutami connecting Makassar Makassar Port and International Airport of Makassar Hassanudin ..
MICC developed by PT. Pelitagro Mustika Karya with modern minimalist concept of industrial buildings. The area is developed into a center perdagan Agro commodities like Rice, Brown, Corn and other crops, coupled with a very strategic location that is easily accessible from all directions making this region the project has a very bright business prospects in the present and future.
MICC stand on:
- Land area of 16 hectares,
Consists of:
- 8th Floor Office Space
- Warehousing, Office Stores, Kiosks & Los Trader
- The first phase of 150 units built Warehouse:
- With a land size of 240m2 (10m x 24)
- With a total building area of 256 m2
* Integrated IT System
* Mechanical Room Cooling Systems
* Fire Protection Systems
* Transport, Packaging & Container Yard
* Hydrant, Power 3300 watts / unit
* Loading & unloading
* Flood Free
Environment * Road with 18m ROW s / d 20
* Reinforced Concrete Roads
* 40 fit containers can be accessed
* Professional 24-hour Security
* Foodcourt, Mini Market, Mosque
* Affiliation with Commodity Trade Zones in Different Countries
* Suitable For Rice & Commodity Traders
* Representative Office
* Office & Banking Outlets
* Corporate Office & Area
Office of Insurance & Outlet *
* Office & Outlet Expedition
* Shipping Company
* Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage
* Location-Free Proven Flood
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- Nama : Makassar International Commodity Centre
- Address : Jl. Ir Sutami (Toll Makassar) No. 24 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan
- Scale :
- Province :
- Kabupaten :
- Kecamatan :
- Kode Pos :
- Login Terahkir :
-  Description Pusat Perdagangan, Pergudangan Beras & Komoditi Pertanian , Menyediakan sarana pergudangan modern, Container Yard, Space Retail & Perkantoran untuk perdagangan komoditi hasil pertanian di Makassar.