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Jual Sandwich Panel Untuk Ruang Produksi
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Deskripsi produk
Dede Silka building System’s is move in Manufacture of Sandwich Panel Polyurethane used for Coldstorage ( Air Blast Freezer, Freezer, Chiller room ), Cleanroom, Pass Box, De Humfier Room, Processing room, Labotory, Conveyor Morgoue, Vestibulle Room, Gabler room, Anteroom, Transit room, Living Temporary, Office Partition, Kitchen Equitment, Hospital room, Pharmasi room, Blood room, Housing, Shelters unication, Contact Plate Freezer, Spiral Freezer, etc. Dede Silka building System’s working to Contractor Unit system Refrigeration such as contrac Servis, Install Panel Insulation & Machine Refrigeration ( Evaporator, Condensor & Compressor ), Disign & Planning building processing room, etc.Bagikan:
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