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Nut Plug, Wood Powoder, Saw Dust
Rp 2,300 /-
Min Pembelian: -
Stok: 25 -
Deskripsi produk
We are manufacturer of product as follow : - Saw Dust 150-170/MT - Micronized Cellulosic Fiber - Nut Plug 2300/kg - Media Filter - Wood Powder 2000/kg and also product as follow : Kami juga dapat mensupply produk LCM lainnya, seperti di bawah ini : 1. Dia Seal ( M) 2. Forma Seal 3. Fibertex 4. Gilsonite 5. Soltex 6. Resinex 7. Shalatex 8. CF Lignosulfonate 9. Hydrated Lime 10. Polyrex 11. PHPA Liquid 12. PHPA Thinner 13. Biocide 14. Corrosion Inhibitor 15. Drilling Detergent 16. Oxigent Scavenger 17. Lubricante 18. Free Pipe 19. HT. Stabilizer 20. Defoamer - Coconut Shell Powder - Cassava FlourBagikan:
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