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Blue Amber Rough And Beads
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Deskripsi produk
We are supplier for blue amber, Blue Amber is real Natural Amber fossilized resin of ancient trees which was formed through a natural polymerization, up tp 40 million year ago. It has not been treated or " enhanced " in any way. Is it really blue? Blue amber is blue. But not the way you might think.When sunlight strikes the blue amber on a white surface the light particles pass right through and are refracted by the white surface. If you place it over a dark surface, the light particles can' t refract of it, so it is the amber that refracts, and the hydrocarbons in the blue amber turn the sun ultraviolet light into blue light particles. The result: the famous blue glow of blue amber. Size, please visit our web: http://blueamberblue.indonetwork.netBagikan:
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