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Minyak Allspice/ Allspice Oil
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Minyak Allspice/ Allspice Oil Kategori:Minyak Atsiri Harga:Rp 581,490 Deskripsi: Harga per 100 ml Essential Oil: Allspice Latin Name: Pimenta dioica Odour: Powerful, spicy, warm and sweet. Somewhat smoky Production Method: Steam Distilled Source: Leaves Appearance: Pale yellow/amber Aromatherapy Properties: Stress-relieving, uplifting and reviving, warming Suggested Application: Allspice can be added to massage oil to help with stiff, sore muscles and when feeling chilly. However, make sure that the amount is very low; 1-2 drops per 1oz. of massage oil or lotion Blends Well With: Oriental and spicy bases, Neroli, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Lavender, Ginger Precaution (if any): No known toxicity, may cause sensitization and irritation of skin and membranes in some people if used in high concentration. Avoid in pregnancy and use very diluted only. 74562d32Bagikan:
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